Exercise Prescription Physiotherapists Bondi Junction, Eastern Suburbs Sydney

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02 8322 0855

Guided Progressive Exercises from Your Physiotherapist

At JW Physical Health, our goal is to get you back to your sport, work or daily activity pain-free as soon as possible. In consultation with you, we’ll develop an exercise prescription plan that can make this happen. Often, this will involve some guided progressive exercises for you to complete.

Vital to recovery from any injury, we’ll work on optimising the function, mobility and strength of the muscles that surround your injury. At JW Physical Health we know the importance of this and will prescribe a tailored rehabilitation exercise program to target your individual specific needs. This will have you back to full recovery, returning to your physical health goals quicker by giving you the tools you require to self-manage your rehabilitation and prevent your injury from returning.


Physiotherapy Involving Prescribed Progressive Exercises

In order to return your mobility, function and strength we’ll work with you to create a personalised rehabilitation program comprising of progressive physiotherapy exercises that slowly build in intensity.

We’re not about exercise prescription that’s over-complicated and too challenging for you to manage ongoing. In consultation with you, we’ll reach a balanced approach that will work for you, your existing fitness, ability and available time. We’ll encourage you to push for continual improvements. However, the goal is to have you progressively working to further your strength and mobility within your physical limits in a controlled and safe environment. We will never ask nor expect you to attempt more than you physically can do.

Personalised Treatment Plans Made in Consultation with Your Treating Physio

Personalised treatment plans will be created by your treating physio. What they include will depend on your unique injury. Typically, plans comprise of a series of controlled movement, flexibility and strengthening exercises. When you practice these according to your prescribed schedule, they have very positive outcomes.

Our intention is to gradually increase your return to function. Sometimes you may find that you gain greater function than you previously had. 


Learn More About Exercise Prescription Services Available from Our Bondi Junction Eastern Suburbs Sydney Clinic

Our professional, dedicated and caring physiotherpaists will ensure that you have the most successful outcome and will return to work or sport, exercise or your daily activity within the shortest time possible.

Contact us to learn more about our exercise prescriptions services available from our Bondi Junction Eastern Suburbs clinic.

02 8322 0855