Manual Therapy Physiotherapists Bondi Junction, Sydney NSW

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02 8322 0855

What is Manual Therapy?

Manual Therapy is a hands-on physical treatment used to treat a variety of anatomical structures and systems to treat musculoskeletal pain, injury and disability. The intent is to restore optimal motion, function, and/or reduce pain. It’s a specialised form of physical therapy delivered with the hands as opposed to a device or machine. It has an important place in physiotherapy and when used to treat certain conditions is a very effective technique.

Encompassing a variety of hands-on techniques including soft tissue releases, mobilisations of joints, muscle energy techniques and manipulations, our physiotherapists have extensive manual therapy backgrounds, encompassing a variety of different techniques and styles to adapt to your presenting condition.  

Manual Therapy Physiotherapists Bondi Junction Sydney
Principal Physiotherapist Jason Wright Conducting Manual Therapy Treatment On The Neck and Sholders of a Patient

Manual Therapies – Techniques and Treatments

There are a variety of different types of techniques and styles to adapt to your presenting condition.  Treatments typically target soft tissue, joint structures and skeletal-muscle areas through a variety of specific techniques.

Typically, manual therapy techniques and types of treatments include, but are not limited to:

  • Massage of the affected and associated areas including kneading and soft tissue releases
  • Joint mobilisation and manipulation. This involves the moving of joints in specific directions and at different speeds within their anatomical limit.
  • Muscle stretching,
  • Passive movements of the affected body part whereby the therapist will move your body whilst you relax
  • Resistance techniques whereby you will move the affected body part against the physiotherapist’s resistance to improve muscle activation and timing
Manual Therapy Physio Sydney Eastern Suburbs

Who Can Manual Therapy Treatment Help & Benefit?

Manual therapy can be used to treat a variety of new injuries and ongoing chronic conditions including but not limited to:

  • low back pain
  • neck pain,
  • osteoarthritis,
  • headaches,
  • tendinopathies,
  • acute injuries such as ligament sprains and muscle strains.
  • long-term, chronic conditions caused from repetitive movement conditions such as tendinitis (e.g. as ‘golfer’s elbow’ or ‘tennis elbow’) can be prevented and healed

The Process: How We Treat You & What to Expect from Your Physiotherapist

First your practitioner will identify the source of your pain, discomfort or physical morbidity. Based on your diagnosis, they’ll then provide an accurately determined and specifically directed manual force to your body in order to improve your condition. Often this will bring increased mobility in areas that were previously restricted and relieve associated pain you were feeling. Along with improved function of the affected area clients may experience reduced or eliminated soft tissue inflammation and improved contractile and non-contractile tissue repair.

Manual Therapy Physiotherapist Eastern Sububs Sydney
Seth Performing an Assisted Stretch to Promote Movement in the Effect

Treatment Outcomes from This Type of Physio

Manual therapy can be very effective in reducing pain and stiffness along with treating repetitive strain and chronic ongoing physical ailments. It can significantly improve your rate of recovery after injury. It can also be used to get you to move in a more efficient manner.

During treatment your physio will use skilled hand movements, exercises and instruction to produce any or all of the following physical health outcomes:

  • improve tissue extensibility
  • increase range of motion of the joint complex
  • mobilise or manipulate soft tissues and joints
  • induce relaxation
  • change muscle function
  • modulate pain
  • reduce soft tissue swelling, inflammation or movement restriction.
Physiotherapist Massage Eastern Sububs Sydney

Manual Therapy is Available from Our Trained Physiotherapists at Our Bondi Junction Eastern Suburbs Sydney Clinic

Manual therapy can have a profound effect on certain conditions. Consult one of our trained and experienced practitioners at our Bondi Junction Eastern Suburb Sydney clinic in order to find out if this is a suitable treatment option for your condition. You may experience pain relief from the very first session.

Enquire with us to book your consultation.

02 8322 0855