Stretching, let’s talk about it
Stretching, let’s talk about it
Posted in Stretching by Jason Wright on April 15, 2023.
There’s a lot of misinformation circulating around stretching. What it does, how long it takes, what it’s good for, etc.
Why you should stretch
Stretching types
Of course, stretching is fantastic for your body, but not all stretches are created equal. There are many different movements, positions, styles, and durations. It can be hard to fix out which and how much is right for you.
How often should you stretch?
Remember, stretching is important but it takes time. You need to be patient when trying to improve your flexibility and recovery time.
That’s what we’re here for. We thought this week would be a great time to give you all an overview of what the facts are with stretching, and how you can use this principles to apply to your exercise routine. So take a look through and let us know what you think!
More Information About Stretching, let’s talk about it
For more information about Stretching, let’s talk about it, or any other physio related questions you might have please get in touch.